Campotec is a company located on the west coast of Portugal, founded in 1994. It specializes in the purchase and sale of fruits, potatoes, and pre-packaged agricultural products. Its goal is to produce the highest quality. It has managed to increase production and crop quality while also achieving a 30% savings in water and energy used for irrigation.

Fonteverde is a company with over 50 years of history, located in Ispica (Sicily, Italy). It specializes in various fruit and vegetable crops. During the trial period, there was a 54% reduction in water used for irrigation.

Acrena is a Cooperative founded in 1982, producing and marketing cucumbers, peppers, varieties of tomatoes, eggplants, melons, and watermelons. It consists of 350 members who market their products through this Agricultural Transformation Society (SAT). They distribute 40% in the national market and 60% in the European Community. The cooperative is dedicated to cultivating various fruits and vegetables.