Digital Kit > Business Intelligence and Analytics
BrioAgro offers farmers a solution that improves the agronomic decision-making process, through an intelligent system based on crop monitoring analytics.
The digitization solution is composed of:
- Data integration with other databases: the solution will allow access to other databases and comparisons with the represented data.
- No space limitation for the user to store collected data.
- Use of the application where you can monitor the crops and farms monitored, showing relevant data and different forms of visualization.
- Personalized alert system when any of the indicators go outside the appropriate ranges for each crop.
- Data export in Excel, being able to choose the temporal filter prior to downloading that data.
With this solution the farmer will be able to anticipate in making decisions, based on data, previously processed under the Know How and the BrioAgro algorithm.
Digital kit option prices
We propose 3 price options according to each case, adjusting to the requirements of the call:
- Option C: 1,500 euros
- Option B: 1,500 euros to 2,000 euros
- Option A: 2,000 euros to 4,000 euros
Prices with VAT not included.
According to Annex IV of the ministerial order that constitutes the regulatory bases for the granting of these direct aid from the Digital Kit program published in the Official State Gazette on December 30, 2021:
The parameterization is limited according to the number of employees of each company, therefore, the 3 BrioAgro price options obey:
- A (10-50 employees)
- B (3-10 employees)
- C (0-3 employees)

What to do if I’m interested
Contact BrioAgro, using one of these three options:
- From the website contact form
- Sending an email to kitdigital @
- By calling: +34 634371073, our colleague Soraya will be happy to assist you.