farmlog cuaderno de campo

FarmLog, the first WhatsApp Field Notebook that makes life easier for farmers.

It allows farmers to fulfill the obligation to maintain the Digital Field Notebook by sending photos of invoices and audio messages via WhatsApp. It will also alleviate the problem of lack of margins due to excessive middlemen by offering factory product offers and purchase of production from big brands. Farmers from all over Spain are…


Signing of the collaboration agreement in the framework of Emphasis initiative.

  Signing of the collaboration agreement in the framework of the Emphasis initiative (Euro-Mediterranean Network Facilitating Market Uptake of Innovations from SME), managed in Spain by the CTA ( The Spanish startup BrioAgro Tech was represented by its CEO, José Luis Bustos, while the Jordanian startup Smart Green ( was represented by its CEO Mohammad…

First trials of the LIFE NextFUMIGREEN project at the Tecnova Experimental Center

This article reports on the preliminary trials carried out at the Tecnova Experimental Center, in Almería, as part of the LIFE NextFUMIGREEN European project. This project aims to test the efficacy of a fumigant based on natural active ingredients to combat the most important pests of horticultural crops, initially focusing on the whitefly. The trials…

Solutions to drought are found in state-of-the-art technology

Austrian daily DerStandard responds to the question where are the solutions? Highlighting BrioAgro its cutting-edge technology innovations to help agriculture in the face of water scarcity, a consequence of climate change. On May 1st, the prestigious Austrian newspaper “Der Standard” published an article about: STAUBTROCKENE ÄCKER (THE DRY FIELDS), entitled: Drought in Spain puts farmers…