Solutions to drought are found in state-of-the-art technology

Austrian daily DerStandard responds to the question where are the solutions? Highlighting BrioAgro its cutting-edge technology innovations to help agriculture in the face of water scarcity, a consequence of climate change. On May 1st, the prestigious Austrian newspaper “Der Standard” published an article about: STAUBTROCKENE ÄCKER (THE DRY FIELDS), entitled: Drought in Spain puts farmers…


WBAF Angel Investment Fund closed the deal with BrioAgro Technologies of Spain

The WBAF Fund, the angel investment fund of the World Business Angels Investment Forum,  announces that it has closed a deal with the BrioAgro Technologies of Spain. BrioAgro Technologies joined the Global Fundraising Stage of the World Business Angels Investment Forum in Istanbul as a part of the startup delegation of the Andalucia Government of…
